Hi are you going to share something have you verified it? is it fake? is it photoshopped ? is it some hate content? misleading? misinformation? etc . Do you even think of these before sharing something? Many of us do not think of these questions. I would say they don't even think they just know the forward, share, copy& paste buttons on apps websites, social media. Nowadays this misinformation trend has gone too far most of us just share things without having concern that how it affects society. A statement is thrown by people when confronted is that if I would not send it then someone else will how will you stop them. point is not how will I or someone else stop, the point is if you will correct yourself, it will have an effect on society. No...
Feelings helps you write . We have feelings that are not visible, we do things to prevent ourselves from being miserable. Being honest is what makes us believable, for our feelings may not always be reachable.