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I will Judge!

Me being a doctor today i came by a very fatal communicable disease .... No not Covid-19 . 

It is named as Judgonoma . Its is the cancer which is present in almost every individual these days .Yes this cancer is communicable .
  • Vector: Humans 
  • Host: Humans 
  • In both males and females
  • Age group : teens till death
  • Treatment : no cure 
  • Can be fatal for the host .
  • Prevention not possible.

People having this cancer develops an ability to be the judge and the best thing about it is these people doesnot need any kind of proof because they have the super power to know everything .
You can find them in your surroundings so better be cautious .

We being a society we doesnot take a while to give our judgment on someone .
Just for example i saw beautiful car of a well know brand instead of giving him prayer the first word from our mouth is that he or she must have some unlawful means of earning or maybe it is of theft or its just a driver taking advantage of his owner not around etc all the negative aspects we imagine ..
Many examples are there go out stand on a grocery store or any place public you can see. 

This has penetrated so bad that we unintentionally or intentionally give our judgement on people .
We don't even think for a second that how would this effect other lives . It can destroy someone . I would say destroy because i haven't seen benefits correct me if you have seen .

It would destroy someone in a way that you have passed your judgement and someone in discussion with you is not aware of that person will develop a perspective about that particular person and whenever he or she will have an interaction with him the first thing comes is the judgement. Now you can imagine how will he be treated.

Why would he make his perspective because you passing your judgement are so sure and confident . 
I don't understand that why you can't keep your own business if you can't help better stay away instead being a judge .

No not at all why would i stop judging people ... i love doing it because i have no other work to do.

I can write say much much more. You can imagine now how this cancer is spreading . 

"Move at your own risk judgement without evidence " !!!!

Solution to prevent spread is only self correction and control .

Dr.D signed out


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