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Favouritism in every field of life..

Before  I used to think of people that why are they always complaining about the favoritism issues in every field weather in study life or in professional life and didn't take care of it ..
But when with time especially when I  went to my university I felt a lot of it and not once I became the target of this favoritism ... before I came to know this all favoritism rubbish I thought that why I am not the selected for the work if I am able I have the capability then why ???
Then I realized this was all rubbish happening to me ...
We a group of friends or it will be good to say best friends stood a voice against them we asked the others to be a voice with us , to stand with us but they just ignored and said that " just go with the flow " . Then we realized that nothing can happen and decided to let them go for sometime let them have an experience ...
Then what happened one day what we were expecting the same thing happened another student was a target and luckily he was the one who once said " just go with the flow" . He came to us and said that all we were saying was true and we should do something but no we were  like now do whatever you want to do but this time we will not be in front you should be the voice one thing we will do is we can support you ...
But in this world one can only give advice and when he is asked for support then he says no we can't ...
Then why the Hell did you came to us ..
My conclusion to all this is that people can give you advice can pump you up but when the time comes for support they all run by saying just we can't we can have work from them in future. ....
People know the right but they are afraid I don't know why the hell they come in someone's pressure ... why????


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